The All-In-One LinkedIn Automation Solution for Market Analysts

Revolutionize your market research approach with our specialized LinkedIn automation suite. Automate your research and outreach processes for more productive and impactful results. Try it today.

LinkedIn Automation tool for analysts - tool screenshots

The All-In-One LinkedIn Automation Solution for Market Analysts

LinkedIn Automation tool for analysts - tool screenshots

Revolutionize your market research approach with our specialized LinkedIn aut0mation suite. Automate your research and outreach processes for more productive and impactful results. Try it today.

Get a Free 7-day Trial!

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LinkedIn Contact Research tool for market analysts and sales - Screenshot

LinkedIn Research (Li-R)

Unlock valuable insights into any company’s workforce with our specialized LinkedIn research tool for market research analysts. With Li-R, you can easily gather and organize data on location, job titles, roles and responsibilities, work history, educational background, and other publicly available information of any company’s employees from LinkedIn.

Li-R empowers you to build a comprehensive database of industry contacts, conduct primary research, track competitors, and identify potential leads for your business. Generate leads for your primary research with Li-R today!

LinkedIn Research (Li-R)

LinkedIn Contact Research tool for market analysts and sales - Screenshot

Unlock valuable insights into any company’s workforce with our specialized LinkedIn research tool for market research analysts. With Li-R, you can easily gather and organize data on location, job titles, roles and responsibilities, work history, educational background, and other publicly available information of any company’s employees from LinkedIn.

Li-R empowers you to build a comprehensive database of industry contacts, conduct primary research, track competitors, and identify potential leads for your business. Generate leads for your primary research with Li-R today!

LinkedIn Outreach (Li-O)

Streamline your primary research and business development efforts with our specialized LinkedIn Outreach tool. Li-O enables you to automate your outreach by automating connection requests and messages to existing contacts.

With Li-O’s two different modes, Connect and Chat, you can easily send customized connection requests or automated messages to multiple connections in your existing LinkedIn network. Connect mode allows you to send connection requests either directly through LinkedIn or via user’s addresses, while Chat mode automates sending messages to conduct primary research or start sales conversations. Increase your outreach efficiency with Li-O today!

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LinkedIn Outreach (Li-O)

LinkedIn Contact Connection Request and Outreach tool for market analysts and sales - Screenshot

Streamline your primary research and business development efforts with our specialized LinkedIn Outreach tool. Li-O enables you to automate your outreach by automating connection requests and messages to existing contacts.

With Li-O’s two different modes, Connect and Chat, you can easily send customized connection requests or automated messages to multiple connections in your existing LinkedIn network. Connect mode allows you to send connection requests either directly through LinkedIn or via user’s addresses, while Chat mode automates sending messages to conduct primary research or start sales conversations. Increase your outreach efficiency with Li-O today!

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LinkedIn Insights (Li-I)

Gain a competitive edge by automated tracking and analysis of any company’s headcount by job function, new hires, job openings, and more.

With our powerful Li-I tool, you can easily track how the workforce of any company on LinkedIn has been changing over time and identify new areas of their expansion. Our user-friendly interface and analytics engine make it easy to get the insights you need, whether you’re a hiring manager or a business leader. Download outputs as CSV for you internal competitive intelligence tools. Extract insights on your competitors and customers with Li-I today!

LinkedIn Insights (Li-I)

LinkedIn Company Insights tool for market analysts - Screenshot

Gain a competitive edge by automated tracking and analysis of any company’s headcount by job function, new hires, job openings, and more.

With our powerful Li-I tool, you can easily track how the workforce of any company on LinkedIn has been changing over time and identify new areas of their expansion. Our user-friendly interface and analytics engine make it easy to get the insights you need, whether you’re a hiring manager or a business leader. Download outputs as CSV for you internal competitive intelligence tools. Extract insights on your competitors and customers with Li-I today!

Get a Free 7-day Trial!

Try the tools out for a week, no credit card required!

Pricing Structure


$119/month paid annually

or $149/month paid monthly


$69/month paid annually

or $99/month paid monthly


$69/month paid annually

or $99/month paid monthly